Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Thanks for finding our blog and for your interest in these issues.

Here the Center for Community Alternatives intends to:
  • Provide the latest information related to the implementation of Drug Law Reform in New York State.
  • Create a place for civilized and thoughtful discussion about these issues.  CCA reserves the right to delete comments that violate this intent.
  • Determine trends in DRLA implementation in the vastly different jurisdictions across the State
The Center for Community Alternatives, through a grant provided by the Open Society Institute, is dedicated to providing the training, resources and tools necessary to make Drug Law Reform a reality for the citizens of New York State.

Feel free to contact me directly with any questions or suggestions about Drug Law Reform issues or the regular updates to this blog.

1 comment:

  1. This is a tremendous resource! Thank you Center for Community Alternatives! Thank you Andy!
